WireGuard VPN Server on ASUS Routers Archives - router.asus.com | log into my router asus https://www.asuslogin.com/category/wireguard-vpn-server-on-asus-routers/ asus router login Fri, 23 Feb 2024 07:14:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.asuslogin.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/cropped-ASUS_RTAC87U_03-32x32.png WireGuard VPN Server on ASUS Routers Archives - router.asus.com | log into my router asus https://www.asuslogin.com/category/wireguard-vpn-server-on-asus-routers/ 32 32 How to Configure WireGuard VPN Server on ASUS Routers https://www.asuslogin.com/configure-wireguard-vpn-server-on-an-asus-router/ Tue, 01 Nov 2022 09:43:05 +0000 https://www.asuslogin.com/?p=2374 How to Configure WireGuard VPN Server on ASUS Routers WireGuard VPN is an advanced yet modem VPN service that is easy to configure on your Asus wireless router. The VPN service provides you with blazing-fast speed and is considered more Read More

The post How to Configure WireGuard VPN Server on ASUS Routers appeared first on router.asus.com | log into my router asus.


How to Configure WireGuard VPN Server on ASUS Routers

WireGuard VPN is an advanced yet modem VPN service that is easy to configure on your Asus wireless router. The VPN service provides you with blazing-fast speed and is considered more secure than IPsec. The WireGuar VPN protocol is designed to perform better than some of the well-known VPN services, such as Open VPN. 

Configuring and setting up a WireGuard router client in VPN Fusion can offer VPN connectivity to devices that can’t use VPN software or can’t download it. In this post, we will show you how you can configure and set up the software on your Asus wireless router. 

Before you configure the WireGuard VPN Service on the Asus router

Make sure you read this section before you proceed to login to the router and start with the configuration of the VPN service. WireGuard VPN protocol is supported by the Asus routers working on the firmware version later than To check whether your Asus router is one among the supported models, please refer to the official website of Asus router. 

In case your router’s firmware is not compatible with the VPN service, you can update the firmware through the Asus Router app or by logging in through the router.asus.com web address. 

Configure WireGuard VPN on your Asus router

Configure WireGuard VPN on your Asus router

Under this section, you will learn how to configure or set up the WireGuard VPN protocol on your Asus wireless router. You will need to login to the Asus router using the router.asus.com default web address and follow the instructions outlined below:

  1. Connect your router to your computer via WiFi or an Ethernet cable. 
  2. After that, go to your computer and ensure that the device is connected to your home network. 
  3. Navigate to the web browser and type router.asus.com in the address bar. Press Enter afterward. 
  4. Thereafter, you will be sent to the Asus router login page. 
  5. Enter the login username and password on the Asus login page, and click Sign In. 
  6. Hereon, you need to navigate to VPN and then find VPN Fusion. 
  7. Click Add Profile and then click Upload Config. This will upload the configuration file from the WireGuard VPN server. 
  8. Now, scroll down the page and click the Device button to assign the devices you would like to use the VPN client profile. 
  9. At last, enable the devices before you click the Apply all settings button.

Finally, verify the settings and click Save. The router will reboot in a few seconds. Once the router reboots, you can reconnect to the network using your device. 

Final thoughts

This page was all about configuring the WireGuard VPN protocol on your Asus wireless router. Before you start with the configuration, it is important that you cross-check your router’s firmware version. If it is older than the one mentioned in this post, please consider upgrading the firmware. After that, you can configure and set up the WireGuard VPN service on your router. 

If you need any help regarding this topic, please feel free to contact our support team.

The post How to Configure WireGuard VPN Server on ASUS Routers appeared first on router.asus.com | log into my router asus.
